donations and sponsorships

Join us in remembering these strong warriors by walking the lake, donating a raffle item, or sponsoring the event

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in sponsoring or donating an auction item to this event. We rely on supporters like you to continue our efforts in advancing cancer research through collaboration.

An official acknowledgement of your contribution for tax purposes will be mailed to you based on information you provide on this form.  We do not set the value or appraise items contributed.

If you would like to make a donation without "Walking the Lake", please click the button below to be taken to our donation page. We appreciate your contributions.  Every dollar donated brings us one step closer to a cure.

make a donation ❯ 

Sponsorship interest form

We are always looking for event sponsors. Please fill out the request form below if you are interested in making a sponsorship donation or donating an item for the raffle. A member of our staff will reach out to you to help facilitate the transaction.

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